Blog 10th Anniversary

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The first post was on Mother’s Day 2011. I wrote, “…it would be fitting to tell of how it all started here, and in many ways it did, as my mother was an early and regular supporter of my creativity.”

The blog was started at the suggestion of my then agent, Patrick Casey. He believed that part of my appeal to clients (and potential clients) was my personality, which he describe as “engaging, funny, and smart,” and that a regular blog would be a great place to showcase this. I was reluctant at first, knowing how much time and energy would be required to do it well, but recognized that he was probably right.

I soon embraced it as a place where I could show pictures, and tell stories, that may not have a natural place on a professional website, which functions best as a digital portfolio.

Of course, it was wasn’t so alien to me to be sharing behind the scenes stories and images as I had done so as part of my site in the late nineties. For a number of years each portrait would be accompanied by a “Backstory,” featuring an outtake, Polaroid, tearsheet, or BTS snap, and a short story about the session. (Many of these anecdotes ended up in the back of my retrospective monograph Uneasy.)

My blog was hosted by Word Press for two years, then it moved to Tumblr, where it lived until I recently brought it in to be housed on my website, bringing it full-circle.

In the ten years there have been over 300 posts, many focused on sittings, but some favorites turn a spot-light on other photographers, observations on the culture, or the minutia of my life.

Top Image: Margo Buck and son, pictured 1965 (from the first blog post) in May of 2011.

Second Image: A backstory from my website, circa 1996, with Cal Ripken, Jr.

Bottom Image: A key post from the blog, when it was hosted by Wordpress, Winter 2013.


Chris Farley, 1994


Threading The Neeleman