Happy Presidents Day


President’s Day is often understood to be a combined observation of the birthdays of the American Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. But some consider it a time to remember and celebrate all U.S. Presidents - so I’m going to honor Richard M. Nixon, 37th President.

Best Nixon movie: Millhouse: A White Comedy, by Emile de Antonio, 1971

Best Nixon song: Young Americans, by David Bowie, 1975

Best Nixon speech: Gubernatorial Concession Speech, 1962

Best Nixon quote: “When the President does it, that means that it’s not illegal.” 1977

Best Nixon watch: The Nixon Chronicle (with the faux wood face), circa 2009 

Top Image: Vice President Nixon, photographed by Philippe Halsman for his Jump series

Second Image: Chris Buck echoes the great one, on a visit to the Nixon Library and Birthplace.

Third Image: Michelle Golden engages Anwar Sadat and Golda Meir at the Nixon Library and Birthplace. (It was here, at the library that the idea of marriage first came up between us; when we passed a gazebo I joked that we could get married here one day.)

Bottom Image:  President
Nixon’s private wine stock at the 21 Club in New York. Upon the evening of our engagement Michelle and I asked for a tour of their wine cellars. They were very nice about the tour but refused to let us taste Nixon’s wine, even though he had been dead for nine years.


Beats, Served Three Ways


James Caan & Chris Buck