“Hi Chris, it’s Linda Tripp”


When you’re sent to photograph someone who has been vilified, it gets complicated, especially if you end up getting on well with them. I made this portrait of Linda Tripp for Newsweek in 1998. There was a “lamb sent to the slaughter” vibe to the shoot, and because of that I couldn’t resist making her look as attractive and likable as possible. 

Here is part of what I wrote about it at the time, “People ask me, ‘What is she like? [She] did a horrible thing, how could you have liked her?’ [I tell them] she’s a human being and she made a choice that made sense to her for whatever reason. And when you meet someone face to face who shows vulnerability, it’s hard to perceive them as evil.”

I think that she appreciated that I was kind to her, and we stayed in touch for a while afterwords. Sometimes she’d leave brief messages on my answering machine. “Hi Chris, it’s Linda Tripp,” opens my most badass mix tape of the late nineties.


American Photography 36


Covid FOMO