Intern Testimonials


I’m putting the word out that I’m seeking an intern for the spring of 2017 (January to mid-May) so I asked some of the folks who formerly held the position to give a few words of support - I am humbled by the response. Below are some excerpts…

(Those interested in applying for the Spring 2017 Internship can please send a resume and cover letter to

If you’re serious about your photography, this internship will do more for you than any class or workshop. Eric Reichbaum Spring 2013

Although I had gone into the internship with a mindset of “be useful, keep your head down and do the work,” what I learned was that Chris didn’t want that at all - he truly wanted to work with interns who would soak in as much knowledge as they could. Molly Mullin Spring 2012

Chris took the time to get to know me and customized the internship to my needs, relating his experiences to help me forage my own. Alexandra Genova Summer 2015

Chris is a plethora of information and inspiration; he connects with people he is shooting with in a very unique way, always resulting in amazing photos. Zoë MacKenzie 1994

Funny, smart, surprising: he pretty much encompasses all the best adjectives. He was always happy to talk about photography (or anything else). Having his internship on my resume was invaluable for getting my foot in the door at every job after. Randi Klett  Summer 1999

The thing impressed me the most is of course Chris himself. It’s everything about his personality - he is super active, full of ideas and his commitment to his work is astonishing. Alexey Korotkov  Spring 2016

Of the many things I learned I would say the most important was how to act and hold yourself in a professional yet creative manner.  And lunch, lunch is the most important meal of the day, Chris Buck taught me never to skip it. Nicole Lane Fulmer Summer 2003

The thing I was most grateful to learn about was what it looks like to get paid as a photographer. As many times as I asked my professors and as many times I Googled it I never really understood what that looked like.  It was while looking at Chris’s estimates and scotch taping receipts to pieces of paper that I finally understood the cost of a shoot, how to charge a client, and for what to charge a client. Tiana Carter Summer 2011

I learned the importance of seeing things through, establishing goals, and remaining committed to my work. I was encouraged to hone my skills and think big. Farrah Julin Summer 2013

Chris makes sure his interns get the most out of their time with him and genuinely wants to help you succeed in the next step in your career. To this day, Chris remains a mentors and a good friend. Yael Young Fall 2011-Spring 2012

Chris also maintains a personal interest in the development of your work. His critiques are the type of critiques you wish you had in school! Elizabeth De La Piedra  Summer 2012

His trust in me, in return, to assist him during trying times prepared me for various challenges I have since come to face, giving me the confidence to persevere – both in my career in photography and in simple daily life – all with a satisfying grin, knowing that he really believed in me. Melinda Gananian  Fall 2001

Even once you’re done he continues to engage, support, and champion his former interns. Since my internship, I’ve collaborated with Chris on a variety of fun, interesting, and curious projects. Eugen Sakhnenko Fall 2013

Top Image: Nicole Lane Fulmer turns 21 while on set for a GQ shoot, Chris treats her to her first beer.

Second Image: Eric Reichbaum hoses Jim Gaffigan on a Wall Street Journal shoot.

Third Image: Left: Randi Klett, another day at the office; Right: Tiana Carter with Chris’s daughter Olive.

Bottom Image: Chris with Zoë MacKenzie and James Smolka, at a Jerry Lewis performance in Brooklyn, NY.


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