TPJ Interview


Lou Noble recently interviewed me for The Photographic Journal and it’s unique for it’s level of candor. I’m not sure what he did, but I say things here that I usually keep to myself. Here is a sample exchange:

You mentioned in the beginning that there’s a lot of stuff you still want to work on. What kind of things do you feel you’re deficient in?

I guess…I wish my pictures were more visually interesting. I mean it’s an ongoing conflict in that I often like pictures, of other people’s work, that do something interesting that’s really simple, but in terms of lighting and context, there will be something going on, it’ll be kind of odd and somewhat disturbing, but it will be subtle. And it won’t be dramatic or literal. And yet…I feel my work could be more clever or just more, I don‘t know, taking it further. I’m not a technically-minded person, and I‘m certainly more technical now than I was when I was starting out. But I wish I could more easily pull that stuff out and deliver. Make the pictures more visually dynamic.

Hm, because I’ve always considered your work visually arresting.

He also included my mentions of my photographer friends, which is nice to see; including Andrew Hetherington, Greg Miller, Alex Prager and Timothy Archibald.

Click here to read the Q & A in The Photographic Journal:


Irving Penn Homage


Steal This Lighting