“Master of Photography” 1


Appearing as an expert guest on a European photography contest TV show was surreal. The back story is even more so.

Over two years ago I was contacted by a production company overseeing the second season of “Master of Photography.” I re-read their email three times, looking for where it all falls apart. Perhaps this is an Italian location company soliciting business, or an attractive offer for one of those other Chris Bucks (that Frozen director gets some sweet opportunities). In the correspondence they name check the shooters who helped with the previous season. I reach out to them get their two cents and both Lois Greenfeld and Jason Bell encourage me to participate.

Amazingly, the taping in Rome is scheduled within days of the January 2017 release of my second book, Uneasy. This seemed like perfect timing, initially.

By the time I boarded Air Italia I was anxious and exhausted. I had spent almost every waking moment of the last fifteen months on a nearly 400 page retrospective, and the latest news was that the shipping was delayed.

It was a late night flight, I stress ate the meal and drank a glass of red wine. I was feeling under the weather but was sure that it was just nerves and it would pass once we landed.  

My previous couple of trips to Europe had been challenging, with it taking up to three days to acclimate. My wife’s work schedule put her a day behind me so it gave me time to shake off the jet lag and adjust to the timezone. For my first day in Rome I surveyed the area near the hotel, walking by the Colosseum and eating a pasta lunch. I was practically a Roman citizen already.

But I was still feeling off. I was always a little tired, and my stomach was bothering me. Optimistic that it would flip at any moment, every half hour I’d mentally check in, “I’m feeling good now, right?”

My wife is a great travel partner, curious, appreciative, and a top notch researcher. Within hours of her arrival she had us set for lunch at the nearby train station that had an extensive contemporary food court. Think Eataly, in Italy.

We picked out our meals and then settled into some high tables towards the back of the lofty space. After a few bites I felt funny and excused myself to the bathroom. I stepped away from the table and then it all went black.

(Read Part 2 here)

Image: Here is a selfie that I took on set just before they called “action” for my scene. (See how they’re all looking my way like, “What is that idiot doing?”)


“Master of Photography” 2


Progress with Progressive