New Series: Montclair Children


When trying to create work that feels fresh and original photographers recognize that scarce or hidden people have great value. If I can bring you insightful portraits from a niche subculture, or a create a narrow subset so specific as to be bordering on the absurd, the collection is inherently dynamic.

Despite the fantastic outcomes, the built-in problem is finding the sitters, and the hundreds of hours of work to do so. I want each series to be exciting and surprising, but I don’t want them to take over half a decade to produce. Hence, the question, are there worthwhile subjects that are plentiful and within reach?

We moved to the suburbs four years ago primarily for the change of scenery. Manhattan living was great, but I’d done it for 25 years and was ready for a switch up. With a child just entering middle school, and involved in a many extracurricular activities, my world was now populated with dozens of children. All the time, day in and day out.

And children are interesting. Well, not always to have a casual conversation with, but their internal life. I’m not claiming to have a unique bond with these children but I do remember how it felt to be young and ignored. To have a complex sense of myself and have few seem to notice or care.

I’ve set out to make a series of portraits of youth in my town. To capture something of their struggles, and individuality. I’ve done five so far and hope to do many more over the next couple of years.

Top Image: Lucy

Second Image: Nola

Bottom Image: Left: Norah; Right: Bez


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