This Ad Job has a First Name


I’ve always heard that Chicago is a great advertising town and now I’ve had a chance to experience it first hand - and with fantastic results.

Susan Cartland of McGarryBowen was the perfect art production manager to introduce me to the second city ecosystem. Back to back jobs with Oscar Mayer Bacon AND Hotdogs, doing both video and stills. So much to do, but with a top-notch team to do it flawlessly.

Producer John Olsen lined up DP Stephan Mazurek, and Gaffer extraordinaire Mark Markley to fill out the motion side and we were rolling (pardon the pun).

I’m very appreciative to creatives Brian Culp and Katie Bero for allowing me to collaborate with them. And Susan, I’ll meet you for a gin martini anytime, anywhere.


Old Spice Goes Grindhouse


UNEASY Cover Star Joaquin Phoenix