See The Sherman Show


Cindy Sherman’s expansive retrospective opened at New York’s Museum of Modern Art while I was out of the country shooting so I didn’t have a chance to write anything about it at the beginning. In fact, I didn’t even get out to the exhibition until last week myself. But I did, and it’s fantastic. She is such a fascinating artist on so many levels, with a long and complex body of work. I’d be hard-pressed to think of another artist working in photography who has produced so much great work over such a long period of time.

In the interest of full disclosure I should mention that I met and photographed Ms. Sherman nine years ago and she has been something of a supporter of my work since. We do not stay in regular contact but on occasion I have requested her help in support of projects and she has been very kind in lending it, when she can. Most recently she participated in a series that I’ve been shooting for years that will soon be released as a book, and she even gave me a blurb quote for it! More on that later…

In the meantime, do check out her MOMA show if you’re in New York this week, it closes after this weekend. It’s smart, inviting and wonderfully strange.

Image: A confectionary tribute to Cindy Sherman, by the Chinatown Cake Club, February 28, 2010.


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