Like Buttah
Occasionally there is a variable that can’t be fixed with better pre-production, or realigned with a creative shift - a five-year-old child is one of those. (BTS on Country Crock)

On W.G. Sebald
This is what I wrote about meeting him shortly after our sitting. Two months later he suffer from a fatal aneurysm while driving, causing his car to lose control and collide with an on-coming truck.

Google Sonos Ads
My latest advertising work is particularly fun for me as they feel like a cross between my traditional witty ads and my Presence project photos.

Everything Is Awesome!
It was such a good time with Tegan and Sara that it was a blessing we had a full agenda of shots to do, otherwise nothing would have gotten done.

Hannibal The Great
Named for the Carthaginian military commander Hannibal Buress's father believed that his newborn was destined for greatness.

My TIME Has Come
My favorite moments were watching Key and Peele make each other laugh...

Inspiration: The Family 1976
Rolling Stone’s special political issue of October 21, 1976 features 69 portraits of the D.C. establishment by Richard Avedon.

Toronto The Good
Toronto has a number of fantastic ad agencies , I’ve had the privilege to shoot with a couple of them this year.

Passenger Side Window
With enthusiasm Johnny Tergo described how he rigged Profoto strobes onto his pick-up truck and was shooting pictures of pedestrians from his passenger side window.

On Joining Instagram
I will be now be part of that unholy mix of photos of lunch, ironic landscapes and Holga-filtered observations of everyday life.

The Hasselblad Snapshot
There is something magical when a family snapshot is on film. And it just so happened that we’d planned a vacation with my siblings and parents in Thousand Island Park, NY giving me plenty of material.

…Or Shaped Like A Blogg!
The origins of blogging, found in the 1973 Dr. Seuss book “The Shape of Me and Other Stuff.”

My New Vice
Helpful here means escorting me around their oddball and intertwined offices to find shooting locations, cast staff with suitable haircuts, and stockpile weird knickknacks as possible props.

Chase Online
The genius stroke is that the Chase Jarvis show is broadcast live – allowing for a social media build up, and most importantly, an urgency and focus for all on set.

And Through The Wire…
There are times when I wonder why I shoot for The Wire. This English magazine that showcases “difficult” music will not be seen by prospective clients in the U.S…

Dear Mark Eitzel
Early on he told me not to expect much from him, with his busy life touring and making music he certainly wouldn’t remember my birthday, or even be a particularly good friend.

Apostrophe Placement
When I had a chance to meet with Kelly Montez myself I could see why my client friends were so smitten, she has a quiet mix of ambition and decency that instills confidence.

Thank You 4 Fracking
The current issue of Esquire features my photographs in a multi-page story on Fracking. This was a story that is complex, but ultimately fascinating and very current.

Heather Graham Time Machine
The idea to her current self posing with her teenage self. The wisdom she imparts to her younger self is “Teach yourself to be selfish; if you make yourself happy, you’ll be more generous with other people.”

Sexiest Man Alive!
When People Magazine called me to shoot Nick Offerman I thought of it as a normal assignment, until he told that Nick would be up for most anything. Inviting? Yes. But also daunting.