Capturing Connie Wang
Connie Wang is a delightful human who I was excited to have in front of my camera. Charismatic, clever, perceptive and positive, but also, on some level, unfathomable.
When she asked me to make her author portrait I was thrilled, but also nervous - how can we capture her ineffable quality? That was the challenge and also the part that got me excited.
We first met when I photographed her in a group portrait for The New Yorker in 2018, we then stayed in touch as she moved to Los Angeles. She was instrumental in Refinery29 publishing a piece on my Gentlemen’s Club book (thank you!), and we met over coffee as friends and colleagues after that.
Oh My Mother!: A Memoir in Nine Adventures entwines her own story and her mom’s and was released May 9th, nicely timed for Mother’s Day. The book is smart, funny, and self-aware, just like Connie.
Top Image: BTS photo by Jordan Szostak