Tao of Wee Man

With the new Jackass movie set for release, The New York Times Magazine wanted to feature one of the film's stars, Jason Acuña (aka Wee Man). I'm seconds into the assignment call with photo editor David La Spina and he's already on a roll, “I want a portrait for the ages,” he said. “How about Jason executing the most perfect graceful skateboard jump…I can just see the headline, ‘Wee Man Sails Through Life.’”

I liked the sound of this as I had already envisioned Acuña toppling through the air, in and out of billowing smoke: half magical, half absurd.

We shot at a stuntman training facility outside of Los Angeles, which offered a range of super-cool high-tech jumps, but I opted for just leaping off of a shed, as it felt truest to the Jackass aesthetic. We added the skateboard in after a couple of tries, remembering my client's ask, and it pulled the whole shot together.

Besides this, we executed seven (!) different set-ups. This is what happens when the subject gives the green light for an endless day, telling me he’s an early riser, and then “You’ve got me all day.” (The call time was 6:30 AM, and we stopped at 6 PM.)

I felt bad for dragging Jason’s day out sooo long but he was good-natured throughout, and even joined my assistants and I for a steak dinner after wrap.

Top Image: BTS of the lead image for the story. Photo by Ben Travers.

Second Image: A dusk portrait at Newport Beach.

Third Image: BTS on the beach. Photo by Ben Travers.

Bottom Image: Jason, not swimming in the ocean.


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