Cat Jogger Ad!


The creative brief was not only strong, but was, in my humble opinion, better suited to a single image than to a 15-second spot, so shooting stills alongside a broadcast crew didn’t dissuade me. 

Two of the three set ups were straight-forward enough, three figures, echoing each other, with a narrative and visual pattern, they would be challenging with the limited time but doable, but the third shot involved a cat jogging! Some of my most successful photographs include live animals, like this, and this, but cats are notoriously difficult to wrangle. 

As we prepared to shoot this precarious set up the top creative from the agency said something like, “Why do I put myself in these situations? This is going to be an embarrassing fail.” But insanely it worked. The cat ran, hitting it’s mark repeatedly, looking graceful all the while. And, we even got an extra take, with yours truly gamely joining our cat jogger professional (see top image).

So great to work again with the fantastic folks at Oglivy and Mather, Leslie D’Arci and Karen Rossiter from the production side, and Mike Hahn, Hayley Grassetti and Zach Buckner creatives.


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