“Corporate” Season 2 BTS


Like The Godfather, the second installment of Comedy Central’s Corporate is better than the first. Season 2 runs deeper, stranger, more inviting, and yes, funnier, than the original. 

Only a couple of episodes have aired so far, so how can I make this confident claim? Because I shot the art for the new season, and they gave me exclusive access to the new season’s treasures. Like a supermodel at a pre-Fyre Festival meetup am I one of the anointed ones? Perhaps for a hot Instagram moment, but soon you will be bathing in the joy (humor TV) and pain (the existential office life) of Corporate, as each delicious episode rolls out.

Thanks to Britta Carlson and Angelina Battista of Comedy Central for having me along for their journey. (And Angelina even supplied this wonderful BTS shot of Britta and I bossing around the talent.)


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