Desk Duty Heroes

Initially, our brief featured a subdued, gray pallet, leaning into an early aughts cubicle vibe. It was clever, and smart, and it was also very dry. As this project for Exiger developed, we brought in visual cues to make the narrative connection easier.
Colorful props and costume pieces would now highlight the “superhero” aspects of our Save The Day protagonists. What started as a subtle and thoughtful campaign, developed into something richer and more inviting. It was a win-win!

I’d worked previously with creative Kevin Daley on Merrill Lynch over ten years before, so it was a nice reunion to work with him again. Advertising creatives are a joy to collaborate with! I see it as a privilege to work with some of the most engaged and ambitious people in the creative sphere. 

Another delight to this job was that I was invited to direct the motion spots, see my next blog for more on this ...

First Image: Exiger ad, featuring Richard Bird.

Second Image: Exiger ad, featuring Aneika Fermiin.

Bottom Image: Behind the scenes of the “Cape” shot. Photo by Sophia Pallwein-Prettner.


Exiger Office GOAT


On Kathy Ryan