Behind Poolside Portraits

It was 2 p.m. on the first day before I got a chance to walk the perimeter of the pool and do a proper “casting.” I was drawn to shoot at the Washington D.C. pools because I knew that the capital was a rich and diverse city. And the public pools struck me as drawing a particularly photo-ready crowd: children eager to play, elderly lap swimmers, swim teams, and the sun lovers.

As I made my second lap of the deck, I saw a stylish woman, her face deep in a book. I briefly told her about our project and invited her to pose in front of my camera. She eyed me seriously, listening, then with a smile she stepped out her lounge chair, placing her book upside down to hold its place. And that’s when I saw that she was very pregnant.

We had spent the first couple of hours photographing the keen and the curious who had watched us set up, but now I recognized that I needed to get out and hand-select more of our sitters. The introverted, the otherwise occupied, and yes, the seven-month pregnant!

I love to swim but baking in the sun by the pool isn’t my ideal leisure time activity, so it’s ironic that I pitched this project to Washingtonian Magazine. I spent a full weekend, all day, both days in the direct sun for these sessions.

I had shot a cover story of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan a year before, and designer Jason Lancaster and photo director Anna Marina Savvidis were pleased with the results, leading to an invitation to pitch some District-related picture story ideas. I emailed three: the youngest members of Congressional staffs, museum security guards, and D.C. Swimmers. I was delighted to be asked to submit ideas and was inspired by the restrictions implicit by the publication’s purview.

We shot at Langdon Park Pool on a Saturday in mid-June, and the following day at Banneker Pool. For a portrait photographer it’s nearly an ideal shooting situation: joyfulness, athleticism, vulnerability, and all arriving dripping wet in front of one’s camera. I’m so pleased with the project that I’ve added a new website section under “Series.”

Much thanks to Lydia Embry (photo assistant extraordinaire) and David Tran (editorial fellow - who collected quotes from the sitters, signed model releases AND helped with the photo equipment). Their support on this project was above and beyond, and could not have happened without them.

Top Image: BTS with Joaquin Obieta, and Patrick Hewitt, at Banneker Pool. In the text for the piece, Joaquin said, “I love how inclusive and accommodating Banneker is. I can show up anytime and feel that I’m part of the party.” (Photo: David Tran)

Second Image: Left: The finished portrait with Obieta and Hewitt. Right: Alternate shot of Kiansa McLean, at Langdon Park Pool. She told the magazine, “I’m due July 25th. It’s just me showing off my pregnant belly and giving her some sun.”

Bottom Image: Alternate shot of Joshua and Ruben Rouach, at Banneker Pool. Ruben is quoted saying, “I like the pool because almost every time I come here the pool is really hot.”


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