Enter Sandman

On celebrity shoots, you never know what you're going to get. But this recent session with Sandman author Neil Gaiman was everything I could have asked for.

The biggest danger was that the shoot would breaking down into a conversation, with the photography coming to a grinding halt. Our connection was easy and immediate (featured topics included his first book, on Duran Duran, and his awkward dinner with Lou Reed).

A few minutes in I complimented him on his poses and gestures, as he was giving me a bit of a performance, with dramatic gestures and expressions. He told me it wasn't always this way.

He said, "One time my wife was on a set and I saw that I was just standing around in front of the camera. She said, 'No, no, no, you're making the photographer work too hard. You have to move around, do different poses - mix it up. The more variety they have the better the pictures will be.'"

If only all of my subjects were married to musician and performance artist Amanda Palmer!


Behind Poolside Portraits


Cold Call Portraits