Coping with Uncertainty
This is the story of “coming out twice“ —first as a gay man, and then as one attracted to older people. (For Guardian Saturday)

We’ll Meat Again
My most recent assignment for The Guardian was with the same person as my first - 19 years ago! (Alexandra Jamieson returns)

Table-Bottom Photography
Carrie Sun intuitively understood, bringing exasperation & exhaustion to perfection. (For Guardian Saturday)

Thicker Than Water
It seemed far-fetched that a trick of shooting light through an acrylic tray with an inch of water could work. (Kerry Washington for Guardian Saturday)

Brown Eyed Handsome Man
Are we looking for a badass smoldering portrait of this guy? Why is the question even being asked?

Enter Sandman
Neil Gaiman was great with poses and expressions, offering a bit of a performance with dramatic gestures. He told me that it wasn't always this way.

Huma Abedin: Back In Black
When I walk into the styling area Abedin immediately said, “You don’t like this outfit.” Oh my God, she’s a mind reader. I’m going to have to be better at this.

Past & Present Cromwell
Cromwell said, “You don’t want to hear about that, it’s a long and involved story.” I cautiously replied, “No, I’m interested.”