NEW! Portfolio!
Rethinking the format, from a book to a box.

Presence Promotional Video
This video was made 10 years ago to promote (and explain) the Presence book.

Presence Interview, Part Two
Presence Interview 2010, Part Two.

Presence Interview, Part One
In 2010 colleague Andrew Hetherington interviewed me about Presence - it hasn’t been released until now.

“Presence” 10th Anniversary
It’s the 10th anniversary of the book’s release, has Presence improved with age?

Gentlemen’s Club - Designer Interview Part 2
Part 2 of an interview with Gentlemen’s Club designer Alex Camlin. “A cover has to have an iconic quality. It’s something that’s familiar, yet different enough. “

Gentlemen’s Club - Designer Interview Part 1
An interview with Gentlemen’s Club designer Alex Camlin. “Designers love to show you their rejected ideas, but there’s usually a good reason why that didn’t end up being the one. “

Gentlemen’s Club - Foreword Favorites
Author Lily Burana references six other photographers in the book’s foreword, let’s take a peek at the work of each.

Gentlemen’s Club - The Cat’s Pajamas
As I neared the end of the journey of Gentlemen’s Club a few one-on-one interviews with dancer’s partners stood out as amongst the best of the project.

Gentlemen’s Club - First Session
I was in Toronto and decided that I would use my free time to line up a sitter for something that I’d only talked about. I visited a small strip club near where I was staying…

New Book: “Gentlemen’s Club”
40 photo sessions and interviews with couples and partners; captured in unvarnished terms.

Namesakes in American Photography
It’s just been announced that two images from my “Chris Buck’s Chris Bucks” series got accepted into the American Photography photo annual. I’m very excited!

“Chris Buck” History Students
These are not students of my history (those don’t exist yet) but college students majoring in history. And these are also amongst my favorite outtakes from the “Chris Buck’s Chris Bucks” series.

“Chris Buck” Los Angeles Animated Film Director
It’s not surprising that a successful film director would be a great storyteller, but I wouldn’t peg the co-director of “Frozen” to write a spot-on (and hilarious) piece about masculine pack mentality.

Finding “Chris Buck”
Although the Namesake project started with a simple online search of my name many of the best subjects were found via the White Pages and word of mouth.

Namesakes Series Origin Story
Shortly after I setting up my website I received an email congratulating me on doing so. This seemed like an odd correspondence until I saw that the signature was from a “Christopher Buck.” I was intrigued.

“Chris Buck” San Francisco Arborist
I asked all of the subjects of the “Chris Buck’s Chris Bucks” series to write a story from their life. Here is the one from Chris Buck of San Francisco.

Chris Buck’s Chris Bucks
I’m pleased to announce that we’re mailing out the printed promo for the “Chris Buck’s Chris Bucks” series this week. From 2000 until 2018, I sought out and photographed all the Chris Bucks I could track down.

Happy 150th Birthday to Canada!
I'm honoured to feature photos of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau receiving my Uneasy book.

UNEASY Nick Offerman
“Here is a magnificent work of art in book form, full of pithy, charismatic and attractive people. I am also pictured.“
- Nick Offerman