Bush 41 & Lürzer’s 200


The latest edition of Lürzer’s Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers recently went public and I’m proud to be a part of it. This book, representing 2012 and 2013, includes three of my photographs, one in the “Animal” category, the Diesel elephant shot, and two in “People,” Steve Coogan (wearing fur, on fire), and this portrait of President George H. W. and Mrs. Bush.

Lürzer’s has a long tradition of showcasing the best in advertising and commercial art inter-nationally. For the fifth time, they showcase the work of 200 of the world’s best photographers in a volume numbering 416 pages, with 502 photos featured. If my images weren’t included it would have brought the count down to 499, and that would have been awkward.

The portrait of Bush 41 and the First Lady was shot for Esquire’s What I’ve Learned feature, in Houston, TX, under assignment from Michael Norseng and Alison Unterreiner. We had 25 minutes to scout and set up, and then 30 minutes to actually shoot.

Top Image: President George H.W. & Mrs. Bush, in Lürzer’s Archive 200 Best Ad Photographers 2012/2013.

Second Image: The President reminded me of my father, especially with this look.

Bottom Image: The ideas list for the Bush 41 shoot, on the bottom are conversation cheat notes.


It’s Greg Miller Time!


Euphemist Mailer Part 5: Take A Photographer Hunting