
GQ Magazine is perhaps my most prominent editorial client, and yet they are often the easiest people to deal with. They encourage smart, funny ideas and they’re genuinely respectful and helpful. It is a joy to deal with my direct contacts – Krista Prestek and Justin O’Neill, but I can sense that the atmosphere there is likely created and supported by their superiors Dora Somosi and Fred Woodward.

The current issue features our Louis C.K. shoot. Justin and I approached the session with high ambitions, and I think that we lucked into something special because of it. I did some research on the comedian and was inspired by a bit about a pony from one of his live performances. Louis seemed to be genuinely amused being photographed with a pony so he impulsively agreed, and perhaps later regretted it – but it was too late. Thankfully he’s a man of his word.

My favorite moment of the shoot was when I gave some direction along the lines of “look more angry” and he said, “hey, I’m not an angry person so it doesn’t really makes sense to go in that direction”. Now picture the entire crew giving each other quiet looks of shock.

 Image: Louis C.K., as published in GQ, August 2011 issue. 


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