UNEASY - Sheila Heti iFAQ


Sheila Heti, the author of the UNEASY introduction, is known as a great writer but she’s also an accomplished interviewer. In 2000 I asked a number of friends to send me “infrequently asked questions” for a new section on my website, here are some of the questions and answers from Sheila.

What stupefies you about the overall behavior of the subjects you’ve worked with?

I’m surprised that people aren’t more particular about how they are portrayed in photographs. I guess that I, like most people, think that one should be careful when a portrait is being made of them, but perhaps people are more open-minded or maybe they just don’t care enough (in the good way) to worry about it.

What happens to your mood/state/personality when you’re not shooting?

I act more like a regular person and a little less like a selfish (albeit charming) bastard.

When have you ever felt successful?

A clear benchmark of having moved into a more successful realm was when I made portraits of my two sisters last year and they actually took my direction without argument.

What obligation–if any–does the photographer have to the subject?

The photographer has no obligation to the subject, except not to lie.

What lies do you tell yourself to keep yourself working?

I think that I’m pretty honest with myself, actually. What do you think, Sheila?

What trait do you have that most gets in the way of the work you want to do?


What is your greatest disappointment in terms of the direction your work is going in?

Too many “idea”-driven pictures.

What do you risk in your work (or work life) that makes you courageous?

I dare to make unflattering pictures of the ones who are here for us to love. (I think. But I’m not sure I understand the question.)

What one quality do you wish your photographs had, in general, that they don’t?

I’m a difficult judge of my own work but I guess that I wish they were more fantastic-looking (although I also wish that they were simpler too–you see that there is a struggle here).

Do you ever fear you are shallow?

Trying to make serious portraits of celebrities is either silly or pretentious. And most likely shallow. (And so is the way I answered this question.)

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