UNEASY Mark E. Smith


Upon request, a post on Mark E. Smith of The Fall today. Nicole Fulmer says, “You have taken the only portrait in existence where Mark E. Smith looks sexy.” I hope that these outtakes from the 1986 session hit the mark Nicole.

I came by the Toronto club where the band were set to play during the sound check and had a short conversation with Smith, and he invited me to drop by the hotel next morning. As I arrived, he was having an argument with his wife, who stormed out as I came in. He didn’t seem particularly bothered by it, and we began our short session.

As we were wrapping up, he asked to be directed to a good place to get breakfast, so I walked him over to the Golden Griddle, a modest pancake restaurant across from Maple Leaf Gardens. I was an overeager 22-year-old and appreciative of his kindness (by this I mean not only the photo session, but also allowing me to actually talk with him as an equal).


UNEASY Billy Bob Thornton


UNEASY Chris Rock